Special Brand/Category Deals

Some products require pre-approval before they can go Live on our portal.

Products may fall into this category for a variety of reasons. These deals cannot be sold on Goods Marketplace unless the merchant/deal clears our application process. 

  • Restricted categories: these are entire categories of products, such as Diamonds or Gaming. Merchants need the approval to sell any product that falls within those categories.

  • Restricted brands: these are High-End brands (makes or manufacturers), that third-party merchant are restricted from selling on Goods Marketplace.

  • Restricted products: these are narrow product types, such as children’s toys containing lasers, that merchants need the approval to sell.

Special Brand/Category Approval

If you would like to list restricted brands or products, please reach out to your buyer to review this requests. Additional documentation to verify your authorization to list these products may be requested.