Understanding Your NCCR File

Your company may receive an email notification titled 'Non-Compliance Chargeback Recovery Issued' if you are responsible for paying Non-Compliance Chargeback Recovery (NCCR) fees caused by failure to comply with the Groupon Goods Marketplace Merchant Agreement (3P only) and the performance thresholds identified in the Non-Compliance Fee Schedule - OR - the Groupon Goods Vendor Guide (1P only) and Non-compliance Chargeback Recoveries starting on pg 23.

NCCRs and notifications are processed and sent weekly. These notifications come from do-not-reply@groupon.com with an excel sheet of NCCR details attached. Please have this address whitelisted so you do not miss any notifications.

Please note that all NCCR disputes must be submitted within 60 days from either our initial payment to you or your first knowledge of the claim, whichever is earlier. 

Below is further clarity on key column meanings: 

Vendor Email - The address on file to receive these notifications. We are only able to send these reports to one address - if you’d like the send-to address changed at any point, please submit a ticket.

NCCR Reason Code – Violation which you are being charged for. These correlate to the Non-Compliance Fee Schedule

Order ID (3P only) - This is a unique ID assigned to every Groupon order. You can use the line item ID to search for the order in Commerce Interface. This is also a reference for Customer Service matters. 

Line Item ID – This is another unique ID assigned to every Groupon order. You can use the line item ID to search for the order in Commerce Interface. This is also a reference for invoicing. 

Tracking Number – Tracking number associated with this order which was provided by your company via Commerce Interface.

Quantity – Number of units associated with this charge.

Due On – Date order was due to have tracking uploaded to Commerce Interface. This is assigned based on your approved SLA, and also reflected in CI.

Tracking Received Date – Date tracking was uploaded to Commerce Interface by your company.

 Shipped On Date – Date of the first transit scan received from the carrier to confirm shipment.

COGS (1P only) - Cost of Goods sold to Groupon 

 Sell Price (3P only) – The sell price your company has set in Gateway.

 Commission Rate (3P only) - The Groupon Commission Rate for the product ordered.

NCCR – The rate of the Non-Compliance Chargeback Recovery per offense as laid out in the Non-Compliance Fee Schedule.

Total NCCR Amount – This is the total fee you are being charged.

AP Ded Code - This is an ID assigned to a week’s worth of charges that will be referenced in the Remittance Center so you are able to reconcile deductions to order-level NCCR details.

Comments - Additional details regarding the specific compliance fee assessed.