When updating inventory, the Merchant Available Quantity (Quantity column on the file) should contain total units available to fulfill future orders (making sure to deduct any units already allocated to pending orders).

Updating your product inventory via bulk update allows you to update your inventory to multiple products at once and is similar to the Bulk Upload tool. 

1. Go to the Bulk Upload page in Gateway

2. Click on the button marked "Price & Quantity" under the "Export" section in order to download your Price & Quantity file. Do not use the Full Catalog download if you are only updating price and/or inventory. 

3. Open the downloaded .csv file in Excel.

4. Create changes to any product field(s) except for Merchant SKU. SKU is the unique identifier for products and if this field is changed, it will create an issue. 

5. Please note that any changes to the Reference Price, Reference Price Type, or Reference Price URL fields will send the deal into pending review.

6. Save your file in the original .csv format.

7. Select the ".CSV" under Upload on the Bulk Upload page in Gateway and then select your saved .csv file. 

8. The upload will produce a red cloud icon or green cloud icon under "Status". If a red cloud icon is present, your file has errors and needs to be revised. Any products not in the error file have been successfully uploaded. See Bulk Upload File Errors (https://marketplace.groupon.com/support/solutions/articles/5000770147-bulk-upload-file-errors) if your file has errors. 

9. When products have been successfully uploaded, the "Status" column will show a green cloud icon. Your file was accepted and your products have been updated. 

For more information about inventory, see Maintaining Your Inventory:
