Images will appear on the deal page in the same order that they appear on the Images tab:

  1. Product Group Images (in order)
  2. Product 1 (in order)
  3. Product 2 (in order)
  4. etc

The above example shows that they appear in the same order: Purple, Green, Orange, Red, etc.

Adding Images in the Bulk File

If you are adding images via the bulk upload template, please be sure to list the image links in the order that you would like them to appear (hero image should be first). 

Reordering Your Images

If your images are out of order and you'd like to rearrange them, the best way is to "x" out the images in the "product group images" section, and then reupload in the desired order. 

For example, if you would like the red option to show before the blue, click on the "x" next to blue to clear it, and then re-add the blue to bump it to the last spot.

1. Delete blue.

2. Re-add blue, spinning circle indicates it is loading.

3. Red is now first, and blue is second.

After following these steps, if your images are still not reflecting correctly, please submit a support ticket here.