To enter banking information in the Gateway platform, follow the guidelines below. 

1. Click on the Manage > Profile section on the left-hand navigation. 

2. On the Profile page, select the PAYMENTS section. 

3. To add/update your Banking Information, select the EDIT PAYMENTS on button on the upper right-hand side of the page. 

4. Complete all required information and click the SAVE CHANGES button on the upper right side of the page. 


  • Only users with 'Owner' access are able to update and enter banking information. To edit or inquire about access levels, please review Manage your account and users in Gateway

  • You can only attempt 2 TIN combination saves before you are blocked from trying again for a period of 24 hours. Note your legal company name listed in Gateway must match the TIN as it appears on your W9. If you need your legal company name changed before attempting to save your banking info, reach out to your Groupon Account Manager so they can make the update. 

  • TIN Validations - Confirm the below are correct  before escalating
    • We only accept US bank Account. the TIN has to be 9 digits, do not include dashes, spaces, or any special characters. Make sure that the TIN corresponds to the legal business name as stated on your W9 form.
      • If the bank country is set to U.S., the Bank Account No. has to be between 7 - 17 digits. Do not include dashes, spaces, or any special characters.
  • Banking information cannot be updated in Commerce Interface; all banking updates should be made in the Payments tab in Gateway.